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L'Oreal Brandstorm Challenge

We at HowDidIDo are again eager to share with you the progress we are making with the students of Hebrew University in Jerusalem that are competing in the L’oreal Brandstorm for 2015. The competition is a global one that allows students to show their entrepreneurial ingenuity while undertaking the tasks set out in front of them by L’oreal. In the first phase of the competition, the students are instructed to form teams of 3 and identify the key opportunities for the brand Lancôme to attract new customers to the travel retail sector. In this phase, the teams will only be competing on a campus wide basis and presenting to a panel of L’oreal judges before advancing to the next level in the competition. They have 4 weeks to prepare their ideas and present them in a professional fashion.

At Hebrew University, there are 12 teams competing against each other for the chance to advance to the National Finals and potentially the International Finals in Paris. HowDidIDo is helping the students take their solutions to the challenge and focus them into presentable business models. Using the online video platform, the teams have been able to record their presentations and analyze how effectively they communicate their proposed solutions to the task at hand. By requesting peer feedback, each team is able to instantly adjust any weakness they may have in their presentation and quickly correct the flaw. The ability to watch their presentations repeatedly on HowDidIDo and see how the experts from L’oreal would view them, allows the students from Hebrew University to make rapid improvements and gain an edge over the rest of the competition.

We wish all of the teams competing in this phase of the competition the best of luck!

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