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IDC Entrepreneurship Class Learns with HowDidIDo

Male and female students doing schoolwork

HowDidIDo has partnered with the IDC’s School of Entrepreneurship to teach the students about the importance of clarity in expression of their ideas. This is being done in three cycles. The first cycle gave the students a chance to try our system and get familiar with the platform they would be using throughout the school year. This took place before the school year started and involved the students uploading a practice 60 second video about who they are.

Once the school year began, the students received instruction from one of HowDidIDo’s expert trainers about the four key components involved in giving a memorable 60 second pitch. Those components are a powerful opening, essence, traction and a call to action. The second cycle, which is taking place now, involves the students giving a 60 second pitch about a startup they have developed or one that was provided to them. This is one of the hardest situations an entrepreneur will encounter, and thus the reason it is our main focus to teach the students how to approach it. This lesson targets the four components mentioned earlier and the student’s ability to be concise and clear in the business opportunity they want to pitch to potential investors.

The third and final cycle will take place in June. During this cycle they will again be creating 60 second pitches about the startup they were working on in the previous cycle, but this time they will be providing feedback to the other students through HowDidIDo’s platform. HowDidIDo’s goal for this partnership is to improve the student’s ability to give a 60 second pitch and have the students be successful in delivering that pitch in a real professional setting after graduation!

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